Pontificium Consilium de Justitia et Pace

ad iustitiam simul ac amorem Christi erga pauperes ubique fovendum (Gaudium et Spes, 90)

Why this site?

On this site you can find a selection of annotated resources available on the web to better understand, apply and communicate the Encyclical Laudato si’ of Pope Francis.

What you can find here

A huge number of responses quickly flooded the web after the release of Laudato si’ on 18 June 2015 - instant comments, reactions and introductory presentations of the Encyclical. It would not be possible to give even a partial summary of all that material here, much less collect all of it. Therefore, you will not find those types of communications here unless they fit - along with other resources - into specific and extensive special sections. Instead, we have focused on more in-depth materials that are useful for deeper study.

Of special interest are items that help open up new perspectives in the reading of Laudato si'. Such materials give examples of its implementation and transmission, tell about good practices that the Encyclical has catalyzed, and give an idea of how the document is being received within and outside of religious contexts.

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In evidence

  • Laudato si Week
    A Global Celebration of the Encyclical's 1st Anniversary. During Laudato Si Week, parishes and communities around the globe will celebrate the encyclical’s 1st anniversary through events of reflection, inspiration, and transformative action.
  • Catholic Earthcare Australia - Laudato Si', an Urgent Appeal for Action
    Produced by Catholic Earthcare Australia for September 1, World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. This short video features Catholic leaders offering unique Australian perspectives on Pope Francis’ new Encyclical Laudato Si', and is a call to action for the Australian Catholic community.
  • Un'enciclica attesa e da aspettarsi
    Prefazione del Vescovo di Albano, monsignor Marcello Semeraro, per l'edizione in lingua spagnola dell'Enciclica di Papa Francesco, Laudato Si', pubblicata dalla Libreria Editrice Vaticana 
  • Prise de position de Commissions Justice et Paix d’Europe en faveur d’un règlement européen obligatoire sur les minerais de conflits
    9 guías sobre la carta papal y comentario de Leonardo Boff, CEBs Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • "Fight hunger, not the hungry"
    The World Food Programme’s leadership and executive board took June 12-13 2016 to reflect on the organization's past, present, and hoped-for partnerships on hunger with religious and spiritual leaders and communities of different traditions from all around the world. Among the leaders asked to contribute was the President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Cardinal Peter Turkson.
  • Conférence des évêques de France - Dossier Laudato Si
    Dossier proposé par le pôle “Écologie et Société” de la Conférence des évêques de France vise à faire connaître et faire vivre l’Encyclique Laudato Si’ du Pape François.
  • Movimento Católico Global pelo Clima
    Notícias, atualizações, campanhas, eventos no sítio (em diversas línguas) do Movimento Católico Global pelo Clima.
  • Encíclica Laudato Si' en espacio de diálogo y pluralidad
    Syntesis de la presentación de la Encíclica Laudato Si’ en el Centro Universitario Cultural (Ciudad de México), evento organizado conjuntamente por el Instituto Mexicano de Doctrina Social Cristiana, la Confederación de la Unión Social de Empresarios de México, el mismo CUC, así como las Dimensiones de Educación y Cultura del Episcopado Mexicano. 
  • Point de presse sur Laudato Si - Eglise catholique de Québec
    Conférence de presse qui lançait à Québec, la très attendue lettre encyclique du pape François. Avec Thomas Rosica, porte-parole du bureau de presse du Saint-Siège et président-directeur général de la Fondation catholique Sel et Lumière média; l’abbé Marc Pelchat, vicaire général, Église catholique de Québec; Dennis P. Drainville, évêque anglican de Québec; Khoudia Ndiaye, porte-parole de Développement et Paix; Norman Lévesque, directeur du réseau des Églises vertes.
  • Laudato Si (Alabado sea) - Caritas Chile
    Mensajes, notas, recursos, imagenes, videos. 
  • Integral ecology: everything is connected
    by Thomas Reese, in National Catholic Reporter (27/8/2015)
  • Mortos por defender a criação: os mártires da Laudato Si’
    Tradução no sítio do Instituto Humanitas Unisinos, da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Brasil), de reportagem de Giorgio Bernardelli, publicada originalmente no sítio Mondo e Missione, sobre os líderes ambientalistas assassinados desde a publicação da encíclica. Inclui ligações para outros artigos sobre a Encíclica.
  • Oración por nuestra tierra
    Arquidiócesis de Medellín.
  • Fondo Ambiente Italiano
    Tutti gli interventi nel dibattito aperto dal Fai (Fondo Ambiente Italiano) sulla Enciclica di Francesco
  • Reading the Encyclical Letter “Laudato sì” with gender lens
    The Encyclical Letter ‘Laudato sì’ had a huge impact and sparked a lively debate around its contents. Indeed, the document focuses on the crisis of the ‘common home’ of humanity, identifying the problems and indicating the path. By CIDSE

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Press Conference


Read the Encyclical

What resources?

To present the material effectively, we have organized the materials according to four categories: 1. sites completely or largely dedicated to Laudato si’ 2. aids and guides with a primarily educational or pastoral purpose 3. short essays, articles and speeches that are worthy of careful study and/or open new perspectives 4. videos.
Materials in five languages – English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish – have been collected.

A final criterion concerns accessibility: On this site, you will find only resources that are easy to access and free of charge; therefore, we have not included articles or books that require payment or some form of subscription or registration for consulting them. Il sito è strutturato in cinque lingue: inglese, francese, italiano portoghese e spagnolo.

Un ultimo criterio riguarda l'accessibilità: in questo sito troverai solo risorse liberamente e gratuitamente accessibili; non abbiamo quindi incluso articoli o libri a pagamento o che comunque richiedono per la consultazione una qualche forma di abbonamento o registrazione.

What you can bring

This site presents a selection of contents that should be updated continually, in hopes of providing useful working tools and of giving an idea of the enormous impact that Pope Francis’s Encyclical is having throughout the world.

In the same spirit, having visited the site, your suggestions are very welcome to enlarge and improve the collection offered here. Please, write to encyclical2016@justpeace.va

World map

This map collects the resources on this website according to the geographical area in which they were produced or of which they speak