Pontificium Consilium de Justitia et Pace

ad iustitiam simul ac amorem Christi erga pauperes ubique fovendum (Gaudium et Spes, 90)

Why this site?

On this site you can find a selection of annotated resources available on the web to better understand, apply and communicate the Encyclical Laudato si’ of Pope Francis.

What you can find here

A huge number of responses quickly flooded the web after the release of Laudato si’ on 18 June 2015 - instant comments, reactions and introductory presentations of the Encyclical. It would not be possible to give even a partial summary of all that material here, much less collect all of it. Therefore, you will not find those types of communications here unless they fit - along with other resources - into specific and extensive special sections. Instead, we have focused on more in-depth materials that are useful for deeper study.

Of special interest are items that help open up new perspectives in the reading of Laudato si'. Such materials give examples of its implementation and transmission, tell about good practices that the Encyclical has catalyzed, and give an idea of how the document is being received within and outside of religious contexts.

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In evidence

  • A Carta Encíclica Laudato Si’ do Papa Francisco sobre o cuidado da casa comum. Da crise ecológica à ecologia integral
    Apresentação académica da Encíclica organizada pelo Instituto Humanitas Unisinos, da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Brasil), a 16 de setembro de 2015, em São Leopoldo, RS (Brasil).
  • Laudato si', un cadeau pour l’Afrique
    L’encyclique du Pape François rejoint des préoccupations majeures de ce continent. De Bernard Ugeux, dans Voix d'Afrique, site des Pères Blancs. 
  • Canadian introduction to Laudato Si'
    This video presents the views of nine prominent (and soon to be prominent) Canadians among whom are David Suzuki, Maude Barlow, Silver Don Cameron and Gregor Robertson as they reflect on the Encyclical. 23 excerpts from Laudato Si' help the viewer read the actual words of the document.
  • World Youth Day: Laudato Si’ Eco-Village

    Global Climate Catholic Movement is excited to be hosting the Laudato Si’ Eco-Village during World Youth Day Youth Festival in Krakow, Poland, July 26-29.  The festival will be characterized by workshops, exhibitions, and artistic and cultural performances under the theme “Merciful to God’s creation!”.

  • Pakistan - The bishops: joy and gratitude for the encyclical Laudato si'
    Msgr. Joseph Arshad, Bishop of Faisalabad and President of the National Commission "Justice and Peace" (NCJP) of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Pakistan says in a note sent Agenzia Fides.
  • Per una lettura laica

    Un commento all'enciclica di Andrea Carandini, presidente del Fondo Ambiente Italiano.

  • Red eclesial panamazonica (português)
  • Care of Creation as a Work of Mercy
    Public lecture of Cardinal Turkson, Villanova University, Philadelphia (25/2/2016).
  • Pope Francis' care for Creation message
    The Holy Father's message marking the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation is not the kind of document you expect to be exciting. But, then, along comes Pope Francis, expectations must be recalibrated.
  • Copia di L'Encyclique Laudato Si'
    Premières clés de lecture de l'encyclique Laudato Si. Invités: Dominique Bourg, vice-président de la Fondation Nicolas Hulot, professeur à la Faculté des géosciences et de l'environnement de l'Université de Lausanne ; Père Frédéric Louzeau, Directeur du Pôle de recherche du Collège des Bernardins à Paris. KTO, Télévision catholique (France)
  • Eglises & écologies
    Actualité de la prise de conscience écologique chrétienne. Cet espace éditorial tente de suivre l'actualité des Eglises chrétiennes en lien avec les thématiques de l'écologie. Il constitue aussi, peu à peu, un lieu ressources pour les textes et déclarations dans ce domaine des décennies passées.
  • Intervento del Card. Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, Presidente del Pontificio Consiglio della Giustizia e della Pace
    Intervento del Card. Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson alla Conferenza Stampa di presentazione dell’Enciclica di Sua Santità Papa Francesco «Laudato si’, sulla cura della casa comune»
  • Laudato si'. La lettura di un marxista

    Un documento di grande ricchezza e complessità, un'enciclica antisistema che spiega silenzi e imbarazzi da parte del "sistema". Laudato si' - scrive il filosofo Michael Löwy - "inaugura una nuova interpretazione della religione giudaico-cristiana, in rottura con il sogno prometeico di dominio sul mondo e propone una riflessione profondamente radicale sulle cause della crisi ecologica".

  • La propuesta de Francisco
    Con su encíclica sobre el medio ambiente, el Papa ha probado ser un humanista excepcional. De Bernardo Klilskberg, asesor principal del Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo. El País, 29/8/2015.
  • Laudato Si’ - Ir. Afonso Murad
    Série de 9 vídeos que fazem parte de um curso de educação à distância EAD Século 21, organizado pela rede Século 21 e pela Faculdade Jesuíta FAJE (Minas Gerais - Brasil), e ministrado pelo Ir. Afonso Murad (Marista).

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Press Conference


Read the Encyclical

What resources?

To present the material effectively, we have organized the materials according to four categories: 1. sites completely or largely dedicated to Laudato si’ 2. aids and guides with a primarily educational or pastoral purpose 3. short essays, articles and speeches that are worthy of careful study and/or open new perspectives 4. videos.
Materials in five languages – English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish – have been collected.

A final criterion concerns accessibility: On this site, you will find only resources that are easy to access and free of charge; therefore, we have not included articles or books that require payment or some form of subscription or registration for consulting them. Il sito è strutturato in cinque lingue: inglese, francese, italiano portoghese e spagnolo.

Un ultimo criterio riguarda l'accessibilità: in questo sito troverai solo risorse liberamente e gratuitamente accessibili; non abbiamo quindi incluso articoli o libri a pagamento o che comunque richiedono per la consultazione una qualche forma di abbonamento o registrazione.

What you can bring

This site presents a selection of contents that should be updated continually, in hopes of providing useful working tools and of giving an idea of the enormous impact that Pope Francis’s Encyclical is having throughout the world.

In the same spirit, having visited the site, your suggestions are very welcome to enlarge and improve the collection offered here. Please, write to encyclical2016@justpeace.va

World map

This map collects the resources on this website according to the geographical area in which they were produced or of which they speak