Pontificium Consilium de Justitia et Pace

ad iustitiam simul ac amorem Christi erga pauperes ubique fovendum (Gaudium et Spes, 90)


  • Catholic Earthcare Australia - Laudato Si', an Urgent Appeal for Action
    Produced by Catholic Earthcare Australia for September 1, World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. This short video features Catholic leaders offering unique Australian perspectives on Pope Francis’ new Encyclical Laudato Si', and is a call to action for the Australian Catholic community.
  • Catholic orders take their lead from the pope and divest from fossil fuels
    Four Australian Catholic orders are jointly and publicly divesting from coal, oil and gas: ‘We believe the Gospel asks no less of us’. In The Guardian (16/6/2016).
  • Laudato Si' in Schools
    The schoolyard and classroom play an important role in nurturing core ecological values. Environmental education is particularly vital, as it shapes how our younger generation care for our common home. Various resources of Catholic Earthcare Australia.

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Questo non è un elenco esaustivo ma una selezione in continuo aggiornamento, che intende dare un’idea dell’enorme eco avuta nel mondo dall’enciclica e rappresentare uno strumento di lavoro.

Se lo desideri puoi suggerirci risorse web connesse alla Laudato Si’. Ti chiediamo però di inviare solo segnalazioni coerenti con i criteri con cui questo sito è costruito, che trovi descritti sopra. Per i tuoi suggerimenti scrivi a encyclical2016@justpeace.va