Pontificium Consilium de Justitia et Pace

ad iustitiam simul ac amorem Christi erga pauperes ubique fovendum (Gaudium et Spes, 90)


Ver recursos en



  • Archdiocese of Washington - Laudato Si'. A Study Guide

    By Archdiocese of Washington on the Encyclical by Pope Francis: overviews, reflections, prayers, applications (also in spanish).

  • A reader's guide to Laudato Si'
  • Creation at the Crossroads
    Created in collaboration by RENEW International, GreenFaith, and the Catholic Climate Covenant, is a small-group faith-sharing resource that responds to Pope Francis' call to action in the encyclical.
  • Eco-Parish Guide for Catholic Parishes
    This free guide is a resource for parishes to take a first step during Laudato Si’ Week, to celebrate the encyclical’s anniversary with concrete action.
  • Laudato Si', care for our Common Home - Study Guide

    Study guide of Cafod, official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales and part of Caritas International. Includes: passages from the encyclical, witnesses from around the world and UK parishes, reflections, discussion questions, ideas for action, prayers.

  • Laudato Si’: Discussion Guide
    Overview, materials, room set-up, meeting outline, discussion questions, taking action, additional resources.
  • Laudato Si’ for youth leaders
    A session to explore Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’. Ideal for young people aged 11+. Activities can be used separately or together to make a whole session. By Cafod, official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales and part of Caritas International.
  • Laudato Si' Student Handout
    Excerpts from Laudato Si' for Discussion in Class: key guiding questions, background, useful links, etc. Initiative of Santa Clara University.
  • Laudato Si’ - Study & Action Guide
    Study & Action Guide for Individuals & Small Groups. By Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach - Columban Fathers, Missionary Society of St. Columban.
  • Laudato Si' Trocaire Presentation
    Trócaire was set up in 1973 as a charity to express the concern of the Irish Catholic Church for the suffering of people living in the world’s poorest regions.
  • Laudato si Week
    A Global Celebration of the Encyclical's 1st Anniversary. During Laudato Si Week, parishes and communities around the globe will celebrate the encyclical’s 1st anniversary through events of reflection, inspiration, and transformative action.
  • On care for our common home: A dialogue guide for Laudato Si'
    A resource for small group discussion: a colourful guide to Laudato Si’, bringing to life in photos, cartoons and stories this ground-breaking and challenging encyclical from Pope Francis.
  • Presentation for Primary School

    The presentation is split into two sections: the first is a backgrounder on the key messages of the Encyclical, the calls to action, and how we can respond. The second is a prayer and reflection based on St Francis of Assisi’s Canticle of Creation. By Caritas Australia.

  • Study Guide for Laudato Si'
    By the Interfranciscan Commission for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (also in many other languages).





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